Last Sunday David McNeely Challenged us by God's grace to read our Bibles for the next 30 days. Not because he loves us more if we read our Bible, but because it helps us get to know him.
This is simply a place for you to share your experience. If you already have a plan you're following please continue to do that. If you have no idea where to start, here are some suggestions.
1. Find a place and time to read every day.
2. Find a person to share with what you're learning. This blog could be your person.
3. Have a plan to follow. If you don't know where to start, read a chapter of John every day.
So, when you get on the blog, just click on "comment" at the bottom and share 3 things.
What did you read?
Which verse or thought jumped out?
Is there anything different you should think, feel or do as a result of the truth you learned?
This is a place to express your thoughts in writing and be encouraged by what the rest of our church family is experiencing.
I'm excited to go on this journey with you the next 30 days. I'm going to start reading John this morning.
Oh, by the way, you didn't have to be on the retreat to participate. Please jump in!